January 2012 - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

January, 2012

Sunny day Alaska fishing


Is this really fly fishing in Alaska? Yep. Photo taken in early August near the mouth of the tidal flat that lies directly below SAFARI camp. No, the weather on the Alaska Peninsula is not generally like this. But it can be warm …

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, Photo, SAFARI

Sunny day Alaska fishing

Troutfest 2012 and Fly Fishing Film Festival in TX


Join the Guadalupe River chapter of Trout Unlimited for their annual fundraising Banquet (Friday night) and FREE Expo (Saturday and Sunday). Plus, you can see the widely popular International Fly Fishing Film Festival Saturday night. See www.GRTUTroutFest.org for more information.

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Troutfest 2012 and Fly Fishing Film Festival in TX

EPIC fishing in Costa Rica


Carrie and I recently converged near Puerto Jimenez on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, with a group of friends for a little fishing and to celebrate the 40th birthday of longtime friend and fishing buddy, Jake. Although my first preference is to grab a fly rod …

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, Off the Wall

EPIC fishing in Costa Rica

Tide pooling usually not THIS Creepy


Former Alaska fishing guide, Johnny Quiroz, captures what appears to be a hand reaching out of an opening in an apparent rock and seawater prison.

Posted in All Posts, Off the Wall, Photo, SAFARI

Tide pooling usually not THIS Creepy

Chum Salmon Deserve a New Nickname… “Tiger” Salmon


Every species of Alaskan salmon has multiple names and nicknames. Chum salmon are often referred to  as “dog” salmon (and less commonly as “calico” salmon). The “dog” salmon nickname has two possible roots. One, the Interior Alaska Natives reportedly fed their sled dogs large …

Posted in All Posts, Fishing

Chum Salmon Deserve a New Nickname… “Tiger” Salmon

Pink Salmon Photo Essay – from Fresh to Zombie


You’ve read about how much you’ll like fly fishing for pink salmon and about the cool and rare opportunity to catch pink salmon off a beach. Now you’ll get to view the miraculous transformation from fresh to “zombie” pink salmon – the term we give to a half …

Posted in All Posts, Fishing

Pink Salmon Photo Essay – from Fresh to Zombie

$49 Companion Airfare to King Salmon, AK


If you have not booked your flights yet between Anchorage and King Salmon, Pen Air is currently offering a very attractive $49 “companion” fare through February 5, 2012.   Click here for more information.   VERY IMPORTANT: be sure and follow the …

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$49 Companion Airfare to King Salmon, AK

Fly Fishing for Pink Salmon – Prime Time


The most exciting time to pursue pink salmon in Alaska is while they are still in the salt water, cruising the beaches and shorelines before entering estuaries and/or staging outside the mouths of streams and rivers. In this setting, they generally still have sea lice on their backs and/or …

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, SAFARI

Fly Fishing for Pink Salmon – Prime Time

Fly Fishing for Pink Salmon – Why You’ll Like it


Because they are the smallest species of Alaskan salmon, pursuing pinks doesn’t always top the most sought after list for people fly fishing in Alaska. But without question few fishermen have ever experienced catching pink salmon in optimum conditions – in or near the salt water while they’re …

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, SAFARI

Fly Fishing for Pink Salmon – Why You’ll Like it