Fly Fishing for Pink Salmon - Why You'll Like it - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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Fly Fishing for Pink Salmon – Why You’ll Like it


Because they are the smallest species of Alaskan salmon, pursuing pinks doesn’t always top the most sought after list for people fly fishing in Alaska. But without question few fishermen have ever experienced catching pink salmon in optimum conditions – in or near the salt water while they’re still in prime fighting condition.

3 friends catch ocean-fresh pink salmon off a remote Alaska Peninsula beach

Here’s why pink salmon are exceptionally cool at SAFARI camp:

  • They show up in absolute staggering numbers. Most regions in Alaska support an even year only pink salmon run. On the Pacific coast of the Alaska Peninsula, we see them in huge numbers in both even AND odd years.
  • More salmon caught. More fish means more hook-ups and a better first fishing experience for kids and fishermen new to Alaska. And we literally catch more fish when the pink salmon are running than any other time of the season.
  • Diane with pink salmon

  • Kid and family friendly. Easy to hook on the fly. And they’re not too big, which is less intimidating for new fishermen.
  • You can catch them off the beach. One of the most unique offerings of SAFARI camp is the option to chase multiple species of salmon up and down a sandy (or rocky) beach, casting directly into the salt water before they enter estuaries or streams. And pink salmon are caught more consistently off the beach compared to any other salmon species. The reality is few fishermen in Alaska have ever pursued salmon like this and the beach setting will intrigue even seasoned salmon fishermen.
  • You catch them in prime condition. SAFARI camp is set up literally 1/3 of a mile from the salt water and most salmon fishermen catch pink salmon well past their prime, after they’ve journeyed 25, 50 or 100+ miles upriver from the salt water. Catching them in or near the salt is a completely different expereience – fresher, brighter and more aggressive.
  • Light tackle fun. You may not shatter your 9 weight on one of these guys, but break out your 5, 6 or 7 weight for some serious fun on 2 to 8 pound fish!
  • Top water action. Most people don’t know that when pink salmon are fresh from the ocean they readily chase top water flies.
  • They taste great! A more mild, but very tasty salmon flavor. And they smoke exceptionally well on an alder fire.
  • Photo friendly. These guys actually cooperate better than any other salmon for your fishing trip photo op!

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, SAFARI