News Archives - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips


EPIC Announcement


It’s The End of an Era, The Start of a New Don. We’ve sold the EPIC Angling & Adventure business, including both camps, to longtime guide Don Mutert. Congratulations, Don! Don has worked with us since 2018, so he knows …

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EPIC Announcement

Alaska Wilderness SAFARI article in Trout Unlimited’s magazine


Based in Bozeman, MT, author Anne Vollertsen wrote an article on the Alaska Wilderness SAFARI camp in the 2023 winter issue of Trout, Trout Unlimited’s quarterly magazine. Click here to read the article.

Posted in All Posts, News, Press, SAFARI

Alaska Wilderness SAFARI article in Trout Unlimited’s magazine

SAFARI Camp Season Summary, 2022


If you like pictures more than words, check out the 2022 SAFARI camp photos instead of reading the summary below. Fishing Summary 2022 delivered a light silver salmon run in camp’s home waters. The chum salmon run was very good. …

Posted in All Posts, News, SAFARI

SAFARI Camp Season Summary, 2022

OUTPOST Camp Season Summary, 2022


If you like pictures more than words, check out the 2022 OUTPOST camp photos instead of reading the summary below. Fishing Overall 2022 was a below average season of fishing at our Bristol Bay fly fishing camp, which is, unfortunately, …

Posted in All Posts, News, OUTPOST

OUTPOST Camp Season Summary, 2022

2022 Season Photos Ready to View


We are really lucky. We have sooo many amazing photos from over the years. And as usual, the 2022 SAFARI camp photos are quite breathtaking.

Posted in All Posts, News, OUTPOST, Photo, SAFARI

2022 Season Photos Ready to View

“Radios Off” (finally)


“Radios off” is declared over our handheld 2-way radios when the last guide is back at SAFARI camp at the end of each day. It’s symbolizes that the everyone is safe and the guided fishing day is complete. So yes, we are all home safe and sound, and by now decompressed and readjusted back to city life.

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“Radios Off” (finally)

Comment Period Still Open to Protect Bristol Bay


Dear Bristol Bay supporters, It’s pretty clear why Bristol Bay is special – it’s home to the world’s largest sockeye salmon run, Indigenous traditions, trophy trout, bears at nearly every river bend, generations of hardworking people, and so much more. …

Posted in All Posts, Conservation, News

Comment Period Still Open to Protect Bristol Bay

SAFARI Camp Season Summary, 2021


If you like pictures more than words, check out the 2021 SAFARI camp photos instead of reading the summary below. Fishing Summary 2021 had a phenomenal silver salmon run. The pink salmon numbers were solid but not out of control …

Posted in All Posts, News, SAFARI

SAFARI Camp Season Summary, 2021

Bristol Bay Conservation Donations Doubled


Donations to solidify Bristol Bay protection are matched through the end of 2021.

Posted in All Posts, Conservation, News

Bristol Bay Conservation Donations Doubled

OUTPOST Camp Season Summary, 2021


If you like pictures more than words, check out the 2021 OUTPOST camp photos instead of reading the summary below. Fishing Overall 2021 was a solid season of Bristol Bay fly fishing at our Alaska Wilderness OUTPOST camp. It’s always …

Posted in All Posts, News, OUTPOST

OUTPOST Camp Season Summary, 2021