Remote Fly Fishing Alaska Peninsula - Wilderness Outpost Camp

Alaska Wilderness Outpost

Far away from any paved roads and far from the amenities of the typical Bristol Bay Alaska fly fishing camp, Alaska Wilderness OUTPOST is a no frills, rustic camp with excellent small stream fishing for quality Alaskan rainbow trout, king salmon, chum salmon, arctic grayling and dolly varden. Some years we see a few pink and sockeye salmon, too.

What to expect at our Alaska Wilderness OUTPOST camp:

  • Week long, fully guided Alaska fly fishing trip
  • Very competitively priced for the quality of the fishery
  • Quaint and wader-friendly stream with consistent, clear flows
  • Best for adventuring anglers with outdoor experience
  • No crowds
  • Rainbow trout, arctic grayling, king salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, dolly varden
  • Helicopter access to/from camp
    • Adds consistency and reliability flying to/from camp
    • Drastically reduces weather related flying delays
  • Expedition-class dome tents
  • Hearty camp cooking
  • Wide open views with a stunning mountain backdrop
  • Only 4 guests max. per week
Bristol Bay Fly Fishing Trip

The OUTPOST camp is perfect for adventurous anglers with outdoor experience.

This remote Alaska fly fishing tent camp may be primitive compared to the typical Alaska fly fishing lodge, but this reasonably priced, pristine and uncrowded fishing program is far from typical – especially when you factor in the helicopter access to/from camp. The bottom line is with such a small group of fishermen (4 max. each week), you will experience some of the best small stream fishing found anywhere in Alaska.