Alaska Fly Fishing Trip Advice

Epic Blog

Alaska Fly Fishing Trip Advice from our Guests, part 1


The last 5 posts on advice, tips and mistakes to avoid on your fly fishing adventure in Alaska were from our guide’s perspective. Now you can hear from our guests – people who have actually traveled to and spent a week at our remote fly fishing camps.

We posed this question to our entire guest list,

“What are the top 5 things you wished you had known before traveling to or fishing in Alaska?”

The responses came from first time guests to those who’ve made the trip to Alaska 10 or more times. Here’s how they responded in order of popularity.

For maximum Alaska fishing trip enjoyment, pay attention to these suggestions.

For maximum Alaska fishing trip enjoyment, pay attention to these suggestions.

1. Don’t Wait. The resounding response was something along the lines of, “I wished had not waited so long to go fishing in Alaska.” Several more quotes along these lines, “The pictures, the website, the presentations just don’t even begin to do the trip justice, The fishing is better than I imagined, The scenery is more beautiful than I imagined, The trip was more fun than I imagined.” One of the best quotes…

“I wished I’d known that once I went I’d never stop thinking or talking about it.”

2. Bring Better Camera. Many guests regretted not bringing a better telephoto lens (or camera) to capture the stunning scenery and the many bear sightings. We also heard the contrary – a point and shoot is fine unless you’re a professional. Bringing a waterproof camera was mentioned a few times.

3. Be Ready for Weather. Be mentally prepared – the weather really can get crummy on the Alaska Peninsula and weather delays are possible (anywhere you travel in remote Alaska). One quote captured it appropriately, “Embrace the adventures of remote Alaska travel, should plans not go as expected.” In other words every day is not a “brochure day” and it probably will rain or get windy sometime during your week. Be ready.

Brothers from McLellan's Fly Shop having fun fishing in the rain!

Brothers from McLellan’s Fly Shop having fun fishing in the rain!

4. Get Into Shape. Especially for OUTPOST camp. Alaska is an amazing experience but it can also be very physical. To fully participate in the EPIC Alaska experience you should train prior to the trip – for the walking and the fishing. “I wished I had known how exhausted you got from fighting that many fish in a day (would have trained more).”

5. Practice Your Cast. Self explanatory, but especially important if you are new to the sport of fly fishing and/or new to throwing heavy rods and heavy flies.

Learn more here: Part 2 of Guest Advice.

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, Tips