Work, Then Play - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

Work, Then Play


Photos by Alaska fishing guide, Jordan Romney, during the 2014 season.

Alaska Peninsula Fly Fishing Trips

After the chores are done, the staff likes to fish in the evenings. (There’s still plenty of light at 10:30 pm in late July.)

Alaska Peninsula Fly Fishing Trips

Late July through mid August is a great time to catch ocean-fresh chum salmon on a fly rod.

Remote Alaska Fishing

The guides get to explore the river before our fishing guests show up.

Remote Alaska Fishing

Chum salmon in their distinct striped spawning colors are often called “tiger” salmon.

2014 Staff

Apprentice guide Shawn, guide Carl, cook Chris and guide Chris explore the upper part of our no-name river valley.

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, Photo, SAFARI