We're back home! - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

We’re back home!


We hope everyone had a great summer. We did!

It’s great to be home. Well, really, it’s good and bad. Great to see loved ones, but not always great to be back in the city… it always takes a few to several days to readjust to computers, cell phones and driving a car. (But we’re not complaining!)

Thanks again to all our fishing guests for another great season. And thanks to an exceptional Alaska guide staff for all the help, hard work and long hours. Phil – your food was, once again, absolutely awesome this season. Egli Air Haul deserves a big thanks, too, as we couldn’t get to/from camp without their flying expertise and support.

We’ll be working on our 2011 season photo gallery soon, so please send us your photos from this summer as soon as you can.

Thanks again. We look forward to keeping in touch over the winter and hope to see you again back at camp someday soon.

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