The History Behind the EPIC Name - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

The History Behind the EPIC Name


Dolly Varden caught during the “EPIC” day of fishing

I am frequently asked, “Where did you come up with the name EPIC?” The answer is in a story from 2002 at the Alaska Wilderness SAFARI camp. At the time I was the Head Guide, still working for the former owner.

I led 3 of our guests way up our river valley for a day of light tackle and sea-run dolly varden fishing above a rock outcropping we call “Lion’s Head” for its profile resemblance to the African plain’s predator (some people see a Lab’s head, others see Jimmy Durante; the interpretation changes depending on the viewing angle). This is a 1.5 to 2 hour one-way hike, but always worth every calorie burned.

It was day that will be forever etched in our memories… tons of dolly varden landed, many showing their unforgettable spawning colors, a few bear sightings, a great hike and great company.

After we all returned to camp that afternoon and gathered to share the stories from the day, Stef, one of the guests from my river hike group (who has also been to camp many times), turned to us with an expression that you just don’t forget and said, “It was absolutely an EPIC day of fishing.”

My own memory, along with Stef’s description of that particular day of fishing, stuck with me as the perfect representation of the SAFARI camp experience.

Posted in All Posts, Guide Journal, SAFARI