Need Help from Texans to Stop Pebble Mine - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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Need Help from Texans to Stop Pebble Mine


No Pebble MineFriends and Folks who care about Bristol Bay,

The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, chaired by Representative Smith (TX) has a hearing scheduled on April 26th about the Pebble Mine. For the past year, Chairman Smith has been a vocal critic of efforts that would protect Bristol Bay’s salmon and world-class fishing from the Pebble Mine. Right now, he really needs to hear from Texas sportsmen and women who know the value of Bristol Bay and understand the importance of the fishery to our national economy. He needs to hear from his constituents that Pebble Mine puts too much at risk.

Attached is a letter to Chairman Smith that we are encouraging sportsmen and women from Texas to sign on to. The letter, with dozens of signatures, will be delivered to Chairman Smith and released publicly the week before the hearing.

To sign on simply send an email directly to Nelli Williams at [email protected] by April 22nd with the following information:

Email (your email won’t be distributed, but you will receive a copy of the final letter)

Posted in All Posts, Conservation, News