Socially Distant, part 2 - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

Socially Distant, part 2


Some might say the stereotypical rugged Alaskan fishing guide is inherently socially distant. There’s a wide range of personalities, of course – from the gregarious story teller, to the excellent teacher, to the slightly awkward introvert who thrives in the wilderness more than the big city. Most guides naturally enjoy sharing outdoor and fishing experiences with others. Invariably, all possess a unshakeable passion for fly fishing in wild places. And, yes, most do enjoy complete immersion into the isolation of the Alaska Peninsula…

Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide


Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide. Photo by

2005. Photo by

Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide. Photo by Johnny Quiroz

2006. Photo by Johnny Quiroz.

Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide


Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide


Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide


Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide


Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide


Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Guide. Photo by Johnny Quiroz

2006. Photo by Johnny Quiroz.

Alaska Fly Fishing Guide. Photo by Stephen Hall.

2018. Photo by Stephen Hall.

Posted in All Posts, Off the Wall, Photo