Alaska Guide Staff - Reminiscing and Looking Forward - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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Alaska Guide Staff – Reminiscing and Looking Forward


Alaska Fly Fishing Guides

The 2012 Staff – Brandon, Ted, Matt, Rus, Patrick, Blake

2018 will be my 18th season guiding and fly fishing in remote Alaska. And with only two exceptions during the season and one post-season, I’ve had the good fortune to meet, work next to and become friends with a lot of great guys over the past 17 years.

As I prepare for the upcoming fishing season, this post is really supposed to be in reflection and celebration of all the “good guides” I’ve worked with over the years, but my mind started wandering and now I can’t help myself in talking about the exceptions…

One bad Apple I fired for drinking too much, plus he just wasn’t getting the Alaska guide ropes. One bad Apple quit 2 days before clients showed up – I think he couldn’t handle the pre-season really roughing it days (granted, it can be rather uncomfortable for a few days. And/or maybe it was just a bad fit between he and I). And once I was “ghosted” by a great guide with exceptional potential. Meaning he just didn’t return multiple phone calls or emails as a way of saying he wasn’t returning for the next season. I thought WTF, grown-ups actually do that!?? Here’s a friendly word of advice to the 20 and 30 somethings out there – this kind of behavior is totally unprofessional, especially in the workplace; grow some cojones and have the courage to give someone bad news.

To all the other guys, thanks for working so hard and for the everlasting memories and friendships.

The Staff from 2017 to 2001…

Posted in All Posts, Guide Journal