"Radios Off" (We're Home) - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

“Radios Off” (We’re Home)


Panoramic taken above SAFARI camp in early September, 2018.

“Radios off” is declared over our handheld 2-way radios when the last guide is back at SAFARI camp at the end of each day. It’s symbolizes that everyone is safe and the guided fishing day is complete. So, yes, the 2018 fishing season is over and we are all home, decompressing and readjusting back to city life. In fact, a couple days ago I took a walk along a very urban hiking trail here in Austin and noticed I was still scanning for bears in the bushy areas. (But it was, without question, the busiest bear season I can ever remember at SAFARI camp.)

Other season highlights include nice/warm weather in June at the OUTPOST camp, but a noticeably wetter and colder July. Fishing was overall extremely solid at that camp, including a strong king salmon run. At SAFARI camp, August was very wet, including one helluva a storm in mid August. With extreme irony, September turned out to be the driest, sunniest, warmest September ever. Fishing was good overall with good numbers of chum and silver salmon in system, but on occasion we experienced a slower silver bite in mid/late September due to low water and bright sun. But, boy, did we enjoy the good fall weather!! (The dolly bite definitely did not slow down.)

Did I mention bears?

Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

From L to R: Don, Davis, Francis, Travis, Drew, Rus, and Sam (of Egli Air Haul)

As usual, keep an eye out for detailed fishing reports from each camp over the next couple of weeks. And we’ll get photos posted into our photo galleries as time permits. (Please send us your good and interesting photos.)

Thanks again to all our guests for spending the week with us. We are honored to share our two slices of remote Alaska heaven with all of you.

And to an amazing 2018 staff, Drew, Francis, Travis, Davis, Don and Steve, “Thanks, Dudes!” I definitely could not do this without you guys. Wyatt, thanks for helping us get SAFARI camp up and running in the right direction.

“Radios off.”

Posted in All Posts, News, SAFARI