Product Reviews and the Federal Trade Commission - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

Product Reviews and the Federal Trade Commission


We thought we where just going to be able to spill our guts in our new blog, but as I learn more about blogging, apparently the Federal Trade Commission now requires the following (per a New York Times blog I stumbled across), “bloggers who review products must disclose any connection with advertisers, including, in most cases, the receipt of free products and whether or not they were paid in any way by advertisers.”

So even though we are “just fishing guides,” we don’t want the FTC knocking on our tent door. But hey, it’s just one more agency to keep happy… along with Alaska Fish & Game, the State of Alaska, the National Park Service, U.S. Fish & Wildlife, and the IRS, to name a few others in the “just fishing guide” world.

Full Disclosure

Rest assured that when we offer a product review, we will let you know anytime a product was given to us for free, or if we benefited or were compensated in anyway from the review of any product we use at our Alaska fly fishing camps.

If we don’t make any such claims, then we paid for the product out of our own pocket under our own freewill (in others words, we were not forced, coerced, tortured or blackmailed to buy the products we review or mention).

Posted in All Posts, Gear, Tips