Pebble Mine Needs Your Help... TODAY! - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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Pebble Mine Needs Your Help… TODAY!


No Pebble Mine

Call today to protect fishing and wildlife in Bristol Bay!

From Trout Unlimited:

If you have not heard, Senator Vitter from Louisanna quietly introduced a bill in the senate that would remove the portion of the Clean Water Act that we have asked be used to protect Bristol Bay’s salmon & rivers from Pebble Mine. (This year the bill number is SB 54, but its the exact same as last year’s SB 2516 or the “Regulatory Fairness Act.”)

News came out this morning (through Environment & Energy Daily) that Senator Manchin (a Democrat from West Virginia) will likely co-sponsor this bill again as early as today.  It’s gaining traction and we need quick action to stop the bill from gaining steam.

If you live in West Virginia please call Senator Manchin’s office TODAY at and leave a message (202-224-3954) saying something along these lines, “Please do not support SB 54, or any bill or amendments, that strip authority from the Clean Water Act to proactively protect Bristol Bay’s salmon and rivers.  This region is unique and extremely important to sportsmen and supporting American jobs.”

Senator Murkowski (from Alaska), also will be considering whether or not to co-sponsor this legislation. Right now we have an incredibly important chance to ensure she is on the side of a majority of Alaskans on this.  This is REALLY important.

Alaska business owners and people who live in Alaska, take just a few minutes to call Sen. Murkowski’s office (202-224-6665). All you have to do is leave a message saying something along the lines of, “When it comes to Pebble, I support what the EPA is doing to protect Bristol Bay.” (Emails will work too, but phone calls are best right now.)

For those of you who want to add more, you can specifically ask her not to co-sponsor SB 54, or support any amendments to spending bills that strip authority from the Clean Water Act to proactively protect Bristol Bay’s salmon and rivers.  We need Clean Water Act protections now, as Pebble is nowhere near filing for a permit and delaying protections is a direct threat  to our businesses and our Alaskan way of life.

Thanks all for helping us keep up the pressure on key decision makers during this important time.

Posted in All Posts, Conservation, News