OUTPOST Camp Season Summary, 2014 - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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OUTPOST Camp Season Summary, 2014


Alaska Fishing Season Summary, 2014, Alaska Wilderness OUTPOST


Need we say more?


Without question 2014 was one of the best overall fishing seasons we’ve seen at our Outpost camp, in terms of variety and productivity.


The dolly fishing in 2014 was, sorry, but… simply EPIC.

Most notable was the sheer number and large average size of the dolly varden we caught in Outpost creek (our home water). I’ll put it this way – I’ve never seen the dolly fishing this good in this fishery. Literally nearly all fish were between 18 and 24 inches, with large numbers over 22 inches. They chased top-water mice patterns and crushed both streamers and egg imitations. We even saw 26+ inch dollies both caught and lost.

I suspect the exceptionally strong dolly fishing was due to the healthy salmon runs. We had very strong numbers of chum and king salmon this season (and good success in catching both), plus more than usual sockeye and pink salmon in Outpost creek.


2014 had a strong run of king salmon in our home water.

The trout fishing was good but lighter than historical figures in our home creek and somewhat overshadowed by the incredible dolly fishing this season. On the other hand, one of the small creeks we access with the jet boat had exceptional trout fishing, especially for the size of that particular watershed. Overall, we had very good luck on top-water mice patterns, traditional trout streamers and eggs.

The grayling fishing was on par with previous seasons – big numbers of fish caught on streamers, eggs and dry flies.


Bear, moose and caribou sightings were overall lighter than average. The lighter bear activity this season was quite surprising given the prolific salmon runs – just another reminder about the variability of Mother Nature. A few wolf tracks were discovered, but no canis lupus observed.



The good weather in 2014 led to some strange guide behavior…

Late June to the 3rd week of July were fairly sunny and dry overall (had a few rain showers late June). We arrived at camp to tall, green grass and mature leaves on the willow trees (some years upon arrival to camp in mid June, the trees are leafless to barely budding.) Water levels were lower than average but healthy and did not inhibit the salmon runs or the fishing success for all species. Bugs were very light all season long – we didn’t even set up our screen shelter (about the 3rd or 4th season in a row we did not need it, and that’s a real treat).

Check out the 2014 Outpost camp photo gallery for some great images from a great season of fishing and adventure on the Alaska Peninsula!

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, OUTPOST