OUTPOST Camp Season Summary, 2016 - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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OUTPOST Camp Season Summary, 2016



The chum salmon (aka “tiger” salmon) run in 2016 was one of the best we’ve seen at OUTPOST camp.


Overall, 2016 was another incredibly strong season of fly fishing in Bristol Bay at our Alaska Wilderness OUTPOST camp.


Rainbow trout fishing this year was exceptional.

In late June and early July, the rainbow trout fishing was exceptionally strong in our home creek – a notch or two above the last few years. But as usual, it became overpowered by the incredible Dolly Varden and salmon numbers in mid to late July, although we still continued to pick up good numbers trout.

Barely a half notch lighter than the last 2 seasons, the strong Dolly Varden trend continues in OUTPOST creek, especially throughout July. Literally nearly all fish were between 16 and 24 inches. They readily chased top-water mice patterns and crushed streamers and egg imitations. And just like the last couple of seasons, the Dollies became many of our guest’s new favorite fish!


Strong Dolly fishing continues.

The king salmon run was good this year but lighter than average. However, the chum salmon run was perhaps one of the strongest we’ve seen, plus the pink salmon showed up in larger than average numbers. There were no sockeye salmon landed this season.

The grayling fishing was very good and on par with previous seasons – big numbers of fish caught on streamers, eggs and dry flies. The best grayling fishing was prior to mid July.


Moose and caribou sightings were overall lighter than average. Although we did experience some safe but close encounters (which is par for the course), the bear activity was typical to slightly lighter than average.


Mid June to early July was hot, dry and sunny. Then the weather turned more typical Bristol Bay – a couple good days, then a couple overcast and/or drizzly days; we had 2 separate heavy rain events – not storm level, but it definitely dumped… this was a season where you really appreciated good quality rain gear and equipment.


King salmon fishing in the rain can be good!

Water levels started off slightly lower and warmer than normal due to a light snow pack and warm spring. Levels and temperatures stayed healthy thanks to the consistent July showers and lack of persistent sun like 2015 and 2014. Twice the river swelled, once higher than we’ve ever seen. We even saw 2 or 3 days of muddy water, which is extremely rare in this watershed.

Once again, thankfully, the bugs were fairly light all season long.

2016 Outpost camp photo gallery is ready to view!

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, OUTPOST