Cool OUTPOST Camp Panoramics - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

Cool OUTPOST Camp Panoramics


Because Alaska Wilderness SAFARI offers one of the most scenic fishing trips you’ll ever go on, the vistas at our Alaska Wilderness OUTPOST camp can get overshadowed a bit. The reality is the distant Aleutian Mountain Range provides a rather dramatic backdrop for the rolling hills and wide open views you find around OUTPOST camp.

Below are photos from various past seasons showing some of the Alaska Peninsula foothill and mountain scenery near OUTPOST camp. Plus there’s a nice overlook of OUTPOST creek, the main drainage you’ll explore during your week of fishing.

alaska fly fishing trips

Looking up river towards camp (marked by the arrow) from about 0.5 miles away.

alaska fly fishing trips

There’s a great overlook just a few hundred yards away from camp.

alaska fly fishing trips

River scenery from an exploratory float trip a few miles from camp.

alaska fly fishing trips

Looking down on “OUTPOST Creek” from a large bluff overlook.

Posted in All Posts, OUTPOST, Photo