Alaska Fly Fishing Trip Tips

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Other Tips for Your Alaska Fly Fishing Trip


We previously shared the top 5 guide tips for your Alaska fly fishing trip, as given by our past and present guides, but here are few more good guide tips to help make sure you get the most out of your fishing trip in Alaska.

Other Guide Tips for Your Alaska Fly Fishing Trip

1. Embrace the Adventure of Traveling to Remote Alaska. Things may not always go as planned on the Alaska Peninsula. Crummy weather can alter a day of fishing, flight delays can occur, etc. We do our best to deal with these things, but you can also help out by trying to keep an open mind about the unexpected. After all, there’s only so much you can do in the face of Mother Nature, especially in extremely remote Alaska. Keep this in mind: many stories that come from unexpected trip moments may often be some of the most memorable.

Fog to the ground can ground planes and helicopters.

“Fog to the ground” can ground planes and helicopters.

2. Don’t Forget Your Head Net or DEET. A head net is not quite as critical at our SAFARI camp (although bugs have been getting worse over the last decade there), but it’s definitely very important at our OUTPOST camp and in most other regions of Alaska. A small pump-style bottle of DEET is a good idea while traveling or fishing in Alaska. (By the way, the bugs can be horrendous in King Salmon. Be ready.)

3. Bring a Waterproof Camera (if possible). If you bring a non-waterproof camera, bring a proper waterproof case or bag for it, not just a Ziploc. One idea, although we have not commonly seen this, is to bring a small desiccant pack to put in your airtight case for overnight camera drying.

4. Expect Variability in the Salmon Runs and Fish Timing Charts. Mother Nature doesn’t generally happen like clockwork. Salmon runs vary from year to year and from region to region in Alaska. A harsh, extra cold winter and late, cold spring may keep water temps cooler longer, delaying salmon runs a week or two. A warm winter and spring may create an early run.

Having a blast catching chum salmon amongst breathtaking scenery!

Having a blast catching chum salmon amongst breathtaking scenery!

5. Don’t Ignore Other Species. We have surprisingly heard many times over the years, “Aww, not another small one!” Or when after silver salmon, “Not another chum salmon!” We understand your heart may be set on one particular species, but try to keep things in perspective…  Step back, look around, and be happy that you’re fly fishing in Alaska rather than checking your email at the office! If you’re catching smaller than expected fish, downsize your rod to make it more challenging, lighten your tippet, or try experimenting with new flies or techniques.

6. Follow the Gear List. Don’t Over Pack.

7. Speak Up if You’re Not Happy with Some Aspect of Your Trip. As guides and outfitters, we are here to try and make your trip as good as possible. Help us out and speak up if something isn’t going your way or you don’t like something. Few people are good mind readers. And of course, communicating respectfully goes a long way in most situations.

8. Don’t Make Assumptions About Your Guide’s Responsibilities. Ask if you’re not told at the beginning of the week by the owner or camp manager what to expect.

9. Familiarize Yourself with Alaska Fishing Regulations. Your guide should know the latest fishing regs, but it can’t hurt for you to do a little homework ahead of time (in case the game warden does show up).

Learn more here: Top Tips for Your Alaska Fly Fishing Trip

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, Tips