Ho, Ho Bear!! Ho,Ho Christmas? - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

Ho, Ho Bear!! Ho,Ho Christmas?


We can’t believe it’s that time of the year already. It feels like we were just yelling Ho, Ho at the bears! Well, if you haven’t thought about it, Christmas is just around the corner. Here are a couple of unique gift ideas with ties to your Alaska fishing trip.

Many of you participated in friendly, and some fierce, games of Washers while at camp. If you need a set for your own backyard (or your friend’s) there is a company in Austin, TX called Bombat Washers. We’ve seen their products, but not used them at camp (yet), but they appear high quality. You can add their products to your wish list or order a set of washers as a gift. Visit www.bombatwashers.com

Here’s one we have used, the Alaska Sausage Company in Anchorage.  We ordered sides of smoked salmon one Christmas from them as gifts and those who received them loved it! They also have other good Alaska food fare. Visit www.alaskasausage.com

One last Christmas gift idea is our EPIC logo gear.

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