Goodbye Alaska, Hello Internet - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

Goodbye Alaska, Hello Internet


Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Lodges

Saying goodbye to SAFARI camp each season is bittersweet.

We’re home. And that feels really good. The 2017 Alaska fishing season is officially over. Both the SAFARI and OUTPOST camps are broken down, packed up and stored until next summer.

We’re all definitely ready for some much needed and deserved rest but heading back home is always bittersweet. It’s great to see friends and family, but it’s always a stark, slap-you-in-the-face transition going from pristine wilderness to 24 hour news. Even having internet access again is a mixed blessing, because for 3.5 months each year we live and fish in remote areas where “just Google it” doesn’t mean a whole lot. And that’s sooo refreshing. But give us a few weeks and we start missing the adventures and the grind of the Alaska Peninsula.

Overall it was an exceptionally strong fishing season at the OUTPOST camp and SAFARI camp had another amazing silver (and pink) salmon run. Weather was overall good at the OUTPOST camp but wetter than average (but not quite as wet as 2016) at SAFARI camp.

As usual, keep an eye out for detailed fishing reports from each camp over the next couple of weeks. And we’ll get photos posted into our photo galleries as time permits. (Please send us your good and interesting photos.)

Thanks again to all our guests for spending the week with us. And a BIG thanks for not spoiling a great season of fishing by talking too much about politics or all the other ongoing conflicts in the world.

And to an amazing staff, Chris (“Carr”), thanks for doing another amazing job in the kitchen (I already miss those Pepperoni Pinwheels). Chris (“Tahoe”), thanks for smiling every freaking day… again. And for stepping up to learn the operation. Wyatt (“Iceman”), thanks for being a beast… again. Drew (“Machete”), thanks for being the dark-knight-poet-who-can-two-handed-cast-like-a-mo-fo. Jack (“Squirrel”), thanks for making me laugh harder than any other camp helper… ever. Steve (“Pork Chop”), thanks for helping get the camp up and running. Also, as always, thanks to the Egli Air Haul clan for keeping the blades and props turning. (Yes, thanks to my wonderful wife for putting up with it… again. You are amazing.)

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