Epic Blog
Goodbye Alaska, Hello Crazy World

The 2016 EPIC Angling staff at SAFARI camp’s observation table. Phil, Elliot, Ballerini, Rus, Steve, Chris, Wyatt.
The 2016 Alaska fishing season is officially over for us. Both SAFARI and OUTPOST camps are broken down, packed up and stored until next summer. We’re all definitely ready for some rest now, but heading back home is always bittersweet… it won’t take long before we start missing the adventures and the grind of the Alaska Peninsula, especially in an election year.
It was a great season of fishing overall, but that came with the notorious Bristol Bay and Alaska Peninsula stereotype – the weather was wet, especially at SAFARI camp (but it was great to see another strong silver run again).
Keep an eye out for detailed fishing reports from each camp over the next couple of weeks. And we’ll get photos posted into our photo galleries as time permits. (Send us your good or interesting photos!)
Thanks again to all our guests for spending the week with us. And a BIG thanks for not spoiling a great season of fishing by talking much about politics – we were surprised (and relieved) how little folks ranted about the candidates. Pristine wilderness, Mother Nature and remote Alaska offers a humbling perspective – the world has been turning for a long time, and it’s going to keep on turning… even after the next 4 years.
And finally, to an exceptional staff… Phil (“Savager Mother”), thanks for doing an amazing job in (and out of) the kitchen. Steve (“Pork Chop”), thanks for finding stamina and endurance you didn’t even know you had. Chris (“Tahoe”), thanks for smiling every freaking day. Wyatt (“Iceman”), thanks for stepping up on short notice. Elliot (“Meatball”), thanks for giving it hell. Ballerini (“Snake” not “June Bug”), thanks for helping get the camp up and running. Also, thanks to the Egli Air Haul clan for keeping the blades/props turning. (Yes, thanks to my wonderful wife, too, for putting up with it.)