Fishing Report for September, early to mid - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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Fishing Report for September, early to mid



The Fishing: Fresh chum salmon and pink salmon still showing up in big numbers! (Seeing fresh pinks in mid September is just crazy compared to historical averages). The silver run is light and/or very late this year. We did find good numbers of silvers on the helicopter fly-outs mid September. But overall, a really odd silver run this year. Dolly fishing good throughout river with some spawning colors showing, halibut fishing still good.

Water Levels: Still healthy.

The Weather: Cooling off! Wet and windy early September, (big storms near Anchorage and further out on the Alaska Peninsula – we were lucky to be in between the worst of the weather). Better weather second half of first week. Second week of weather decent and typical- half good/half crummy. Fall colors really popped mid September.

Other: Bear activity lighter in early September, spending more time up the river valleys than in open meadows. No whales sightings. A couple of fox and moose sightings. Wild berries, especially blueberries, still plentiful.

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, SAFARI