Fishing Report for August, early to mid - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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Fishing Report for August, early to mid



The Fishing: Very strong chum salmon, pink salmon and dolly varden fishing. Lots of nice dollies caught so far this season, and large numbers of smaller/immature dollies hanging on flat (which should bode well for a continued healthy future fishery). Halibut fishing in the bay is very good; cod numbers are light so far this season.

Water Levels: Healthy.

The Weather: The weather has been cooler and wetter than normal for early August. The weather the second week of August was quite pleasant.

Other: The bears are very plentiful this season. 3 sows with 8 cubs (3, 3 and 2) between them are in the bay this season. Caribou sightings are picking up compared to past seasons. LOTS of whales (humpbacks and minke) seen in the bay. No fox sightings yet (which is quite unusual).

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, SAFARI