Anniversary of 20th Century's Largest Volcanic Eruption - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

Anniversary of 20th Century’s Largest Volcanic Eruption


Flying past snow-capped Alaska Peninsula volcano on the way to SAFARI camp.

Excerpt from a National Park News Release

“Wednesday, June 6, marks the 100th anniversary of the largest volcanic eruption of the 2oth century – Novarupta. Located on the Alaska Peninsula within what is now Katmai National Park, Novarupta’s eruption was 30 times larger than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, lasting 60 hours and sending ash upward for 20 miles.”

Click here for the full News Release in PDF format.

The Anchorage Daily News also has a good story on the historic anniversary, Eruption Turned June Into Winter (thanks, Jim, for sharing this story with us).


Posted in All Posts, News, Off the Wall