2018 SAFARI Camp Photos Ready to View - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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2018 SAFARI Camp Photos Ready to View


Remote Alaska Fly Fishing Trip

2 guys having a blast fly fishing in remote Alaska. Photo by Stephen Hall.

Well, actually, the 2018 SAFARI camp photos have been mostly ready to view for a while but it’s been an extra busy fall/early winter. And I’m just behind on getting 2018 material on the website. (Yeah, I can’t believe it’s already early December! Xmas soon. Then 2019. Then another season in Alaska will be here before I know it. Yikes!)

One of our guests, Stephen Hall, captured many incredible photos this season in late September. So many it’s taking a lot of time to go through them all. I’ll post them, plus others, in the photo gallery soon, hopefully. So check back in a week or two…

You’ll probably notice a lot of good weather photos, which was unusually common this September. But I’m still hoping one of our guests will send some photos that properly convey that stormy weather we had in mid/late August, because it’s not always clear skies and brochure weather on the Alaska Peninsula…

Also: check out the SAFARI camp 2018 season summary.

Posted in All Posts, News, Photo, SAFARI