Alaska Bush Plane - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

Alaska Bush Plane



Pilot Heather pulls a Cessna 206 equipped with tundra tires out of the Egli Air Haul hanger.

Pilot Heather pulls a Cessna 206 equipped with tundra tires out of the Egli Air Haul hanger.

It’s not very often that you actually see any pavement in our website photography, but your Alaska fishing adventure starts off in the small town of King Salmon, Alaska. Here you’ll meet the pilots and staff of Egli Air Haul, the air charter company that flies you to and from our remote fly fishing tent camps.

Without their fixed-wing and helicopter air support, there’s no other practical way to get you to/from either of camps. After all, there’s not even any roads between Anchorage and King Salmon, and there are certainly no roads between King Salmon and our camps – just miles and miles of tundra, rivers, mountains and vast expanses of untouched and pristine wilderness. (You won’t believe it until you see it with your own eyes.)

And although most folks envision flying into remote Alaska in a float plane, wheel planes with large tundra tires are just as necessary to land on remote airstrips and gravel runways.

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