Alaska Bear Photo

Epic Blog

Great Alaska Bear Photo


A relaxed coastal brown bear sow with her 3 cubs.

I knew in September 2010 that I would return to the majestic fishing waters of the Alaska Wilderness SAFARI Camp. Two years later and again the second week of September, I was impressed by the same picturesque scenery, which caught me the first time around. But this time the Chum and Pink Salmon were running hard. Only as the week progressed did we catch fresh silvers coming in from the ocean. There were plenty of Dolly Varden, but they were more selective and challenging to catch compared to my first trip.

The SAFARI Camp proved again that it lies in the heart of wilderness. Everyday we watched the seals on the tidal flat coming in from the ocean, but also the otters playing with the Zodiac boats parked in front of camp. A rare visit of an Alaskan moose in camp even seemed to amaze the crew.

But the daily encounters with the coastal brown bears overwhelm me every time. It was on our way back from the home river that we practically ran into this sow with 3 cubs. They had been sitting just on the other side of the river and we had no other alternative, but to slowly keep on moving downstream. As the sow looked relaxed and seemed to enjoy the late afternoon sun, I managed to take a picture from around 30 yards. While slowly and cautiously moving on, we watched the sow lying down and the cubs cuddling up to her. What a perfect closure to a successful epic week!

Hans Kordik in 2012
Bethesda, MD

Posted in All Posts, Guest Journal, Photo, SAFARI, Wildlife