2019 SAFARI Camp Photos Ready to View - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

2019 SAFARI Camp Photos Ready to View


Bypass the fluff. View 2019 photos here. Otherwise…

2019 was my 19th season guiding at the SAFARI camp and I’m still awestruck looking through all the photos at the end of each fishing season. Sometimes I find myself shaking my head in disbelief of the raw beautify of the Pacific side of the Alaska Peninsula. All who have spent time out here fishing or hiking or soaking in Mother Nature, even if for only a week, are truly lucky people. Those who have guided for a season or seasons, even in spite of the grinding hard work, are even luckier.

Enough reflecting. The 2019 season photos are ready to view. And there’s plenty of good material, especially many good silver salmon, hiking and landscape photos. (Note, we are still missing trip photos from a lot of guests. If that’s you, please send them along.)

Also, check out the SAFARI camp 2019 season summary for an overview of the fishing, wildlife and weather.

Posted in All Posts, News, Photo, SAFARI