2016 SAFARI Camp Photos Ready to View - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

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2016 SAFARI Camp Photos Ready to View


The Observation TableThe 2016 SAFARI camp photos are finally ready for viewing. And as usual, there are some phenomenal photos. But as good as they are, pictures still don’t convey how majestic this place truly is. And that’s a good reminder of how lucky we are to spend time here.

Over the years one of my favorite moments is when someone has that far away stare, usually sitting at the observation table after a great day of fishing, and says, “You know… I’ve never seen a place like this. And now I finally understand why some places should be left untouched.”

Enough philosophizing… enjoy looking at some great pictures. And thanks again to everyone who shared their photos with us.

Also: check out the SAFARI camp 2016 season summary.

Posted in All Posts, News, Photo, SAFARI