2011 OUTPOST Camp Season Summary - Alaska Fly Fishing Trips

Epic Blog

2011 OUTPOST Camp Season Summary



The Fishing: Most noteworthy this season was the grayling fishing – consistent, large fish caught all season long… LOTS of 16 – 18 inch fish, which is a really healthy average. And the dry fly fishing was absolutely heavenly.

The dry fly fishing for trout was better than average, even well after salmon started showing in the river. Overall, though, the rainbow trout fishing was slightly lighter than normal (good by anyone’s standards, though). And we noticed something unusual this season – some of the quintessential “mouse water” didn’t hold fish as consistently as past seasons. Don’t worry, we found good numbers of fish on mice… just in different water.

The king salmon fly fishing was better this year compared to last season. More fish in the river and more fish caught than last year. And, man, did we break off some nice fish!

The chum salmon fishing was very good and normal this season.

The dolly varden fishing was good after July 1. And, we saw several heavy shouldered fish landed this year.

Water Levels: The creek started off lower than normal and remained that way through mid July.

The Weather: Mid to late June was chilly and damp some days, but the amazing thing was we literally had almost zero bugs during this period, which was a real treat. Early July starting warming up a bit, bugs came out some, but they were never that bad this season.

Wildlife: Bears sightings were light mid to late June, as usual. July was typical with more sightings as the month progressed. Saw a wolf and a couple of moose, which is about normal.

Posted in All Posts, Fishing, OUTPOST